Construction work to widen Clemson Road is nearing the halfway point.
Richland County Transportation is widening 1.9 miles of the road, from Old Clemson Road to Chimneyridge Drive. The road will increase from two to five lanes, with four traveling lanes and one center-turn lane.
In the coming weeks, crews will begin asphalt paving from Chimneyridge Drive to Earth Road. They will continue relocating utilities and building for storm drainage and sidewalks during that time.
Drivers are advised to use patience, as temporary lane closures could cause delays when paving begins. Construction typically occurs during business hours Monday through Friday.
Transportation officials estimate construction is 45 to 50 percent complete on the Clemson Road project, which began in early 2019 and is expected to be complete in early 2021.
Widening aims to account for increased traffic and make travel more efficient. Adding a center-turn lane will help prevent traffic from building up when vehicles turn in to businesses along Clemson Road.
County crews also are creating shared-use paths for pedestrians and bicyclists on both sides of the road for the entire length of the project. The paths are already complete along several sections of the roadway, though the sidewalks are not yet open to the public.
In addition to funding from the Richland Transportation Penny program, the $15.6 million project is supported through $800,000 in federal safety funds and a $180,000 federal TAP grant.