Neighborhood Master Plans
On March 1, 2005, Richland County Council approved the first 10 priority focal areas for Neighborhood Master Planning. A Neighborhood Master Plan is a detailed study of specific planning issues relating to a residential neighborhood and its commercial component. Each Neighborhood Master Plan is unique, but many contain similar elements such as:
- Community assessments
- Future land use for residential, commercial, open space, civic and recreational uses
- Capital improvements that will impact safety, housing, economic development, community access and public services
- Demographics and statistics
- Public meetings and workshops
- Assessment of challenges and needs
- Strategies to guide community improvements and growth
- Priority of improvements
- Cost estimates
- Timelines for implementation and completion
Once approved by County Council, the Neighborhood Master Plan is incorporated into the county’s Comprehensive Plan.
The Neighborhood Improvement Program is tasked with ensuring completion of the master plans and working with Council to initiate the plans’ respective strategies and implementation program.
Neighborhood Master Plan Areas