The State of South Carolina is relying on local governments to reduce the risk of Zika virus infection using their own resources, staff and capacities. Richland County is fortunate to have one of the most active, knowledgeable and respected Vector Control departments in the state.
Richland County Vector Control is staying abreast of Zika virus information by reviewing updates and reports daily and attending conferences and meetings with state, national and international officials as the threat of Zika continues to grow. Please utilize the information compiled below to help protect yourself, your family and your community against the potential spread of the Zika virus.
Richland County Vector Control
This page explains in detail the capabilities of Richland County Vector Control, including information about spray missions, how mosquito populations are surveyed and activity within the County's 54 control zones.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control monitors zika cases throughout the state and provides updated information and resources.
Center for Disease Control
Read the CDC's Interim Response Plan and view details about the reported cases of zika infection across the United States.
World Health Organization
View updated information about the zika virus worldwide, including the zika virus outbreak global response.
Zika Fact Sheet
Mosquito Bite Prevention
Mosquito Control
Talking to Children about Zika