What is it?
Every spring, PalmettoPride and Keep South Carolina Beautiful, in partnership with Keep America Beautiful, Inc., coordinate the Great American Cleanup™, a localized cleanup, beautification and community improvement program. Recognized as the nation’s largest cleanup event, millions of residents across the country take part in this springtime campaign to clean up and beautify communities all across America. This event lasts from March 1 – May 31.
Why should you do it?
The Great American Cleanup™ is a fun, educational, outdoor, springtime activity! In addition to organizing a litter clean up, your group can also take part in other green events of your choice. If you want to recycle cans for a week or plant a garden or cleanup your neighborhood or park – we can help you with supplies to get it done. If you want to clean up your neighborhood and then plant flowers in the median, you can do that too!
How to participate:
If you are in an area with a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, sign up with your local affiliate director. If you are in an area that does not have a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, you can sign up with us, Keep South Carolina Beautiful. Pick an area, organize a group of volunteers, pick a day to clean up and request your supplies. We’ll provide you with how-to guide for organizing a cleanup and safety guidelines. You can also choose from a special project – a Cigarette Butt Litter Cleanup: Pick an area, find a friend or family member and clean up all the cigarette butts you can. Use this project as an opportunity to educate people and show them just how cigarette butts can accumulate as litter. Take a picture of the cigarette butts and put it on our Facebook page or send it to your local newspaper. Or, find a creative way to display them for the public.
How to get your supplies:
Supplies are free to all groups participating in the Great American Cleanup of South Carolina. In an effort to save on shipping expenses, we have set up three supply pickup dates. All groups that pick up supplies will get PalmettoPride t-shirts for your volunteers. Fill out the sign up form and we will give you the right amount of supplies for the number of volunteers. If you need assistance getting your supplies, please contact Sarah Lyles at slyles@palmettopride.org or 877-725-7733.
Supplies given to group cleanups:
“How-to” guidelines and safety pamphlet, trash bags, safety vests, work gloves, promotional banners
To sign up for the Great American Cleanup, please fill out this sign up form form and fax or mail it to our office.
Supply pickup dates:
February 27
March 13
March 20
Great American Cleanup