Abigail Lanier, 2nd-3rd Grade State Winner
Abrianna McClerklin, 4th-6th Grade State Winner
Columbia, SC—Two Richland County students have been named state winners in the 2016 Conservation Poster Contest sponsored by the SC Association of Conservation Districts. Abigail Annsley Lanier of Lake Carolina Elementary School won in the 2nd-3rd Grade Division, and Abrianna Nicole McClerklin of Catawba Trail Elementary School won in the 4th-6th Grade Division. Each student created a poster illustrating the 2016 conservation stewardship theme, “We All Need Trees.” This theme was selected by the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) to raise awareness about the importance of trees to people, wildlife, the environment, and the economy.
A large tree grows in the center of Lanier’s poster. On one side of the tree, Lanier depicts trees meeting “Nature’s Needs,” with animals making homes in tree branches, a beaver cutting down a tree to build a lodge, and water being filtered and cleaned by tree roots. On the other side of the tree, Lanier illustrates how trees meet “People’s Needs” by producing paper, food, firewood, and lumber.
McClerklin’s poster shows a cross-section of a tree trunk nestled in a bed of autumn leaves. Instead of annual growth rings, however, McClerklin includes a spiraling litany of more than 100 goods and services provided by trees, from “trees make rocking chairs, blocks, bed stands, olives…” to “trees conserve energy” and “prevent water pollution.”
Lanier and McClerklin, who were recognized as winners in the Richland County competition sponsored by the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) last spring, will receive cash prizes for their state awards, and their posters will progress to the national competition sponsored by NACD. “We are very proud of these students. Trees and forests are key components of our ecosystem and play a huge role in our state’s economy. It’s wonderful to see young people learning about these resources and using their creativity to educate others,” says Richland SWCD Chairman Kenny Mullis.
Other 2016 Conservation Poster Contest Winners include Dylan Blackmon (Clarendon SWCD, K-1st Grade Division), Savannah L. Robinson (Lancaster SWCD, 7th-9th Grade Division), and Tahera Attarwala (Lexington SWCD, 10th-12th Grade Division). The 2017 Conservation Poster Contest will be announced in January, with entries due for local judging in April. Visit www.rcgov.us/rswcd for more details.
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Conservation Districts are political subdivisions of state government under the local direction of five-member Boards of Commissioners. The Richland Soil and Water Conservation District promotes the wise use of natural resources for the benefit of the citizens of Richland County.
Richland Soil and Water Conservation District
2020 Hampton Street, Room 3063A
Columbia, SC 29204
Phone (803) 576-2080
Fax (803) 576-2088