Third-Party Private Inspections
Private Inspectors are employed by the owner, developer or contractor to conduct compliance inspections.
Construction Site Inspections are required (per SCDHEC) to be conducted on a routine basis which is a minimum of at least once every calendar week and must be conducted until final stabilization is reached on all areas of the construction site and a Notice of Termination has been submitted to Richland County. An inspection is recommended within 24 hours of the end of the storm event of 0.5 inches or greater.
Site inspections are required to be emailed to: within 48 hours of creation. Reports are still required to be placed onsite as part of the On-Site Stormwater Polltion Prevention Plan (OS-SWPPP).
All BMPs and other protective measures identified in the OS-SWPPP must be maintained in effective operating condition. If site inspections identify BMPs that are not operating effectively, maintenance must be performed within seven (7) calendar days, before the next inspection, or as reasonably possible, and before the next storm event whenever practicable to maintain the continued effectiveness of Stormwater Controls.
Third-Party Inspectors are encouraged to contact the Richland County Inspector for their respective areas with any questions, concerns or information to be shared.