Archived County Council Agenda
Note: County Council meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Richland County Council

Regular Session

April 16, 2002

6:00 p.m.

Call to Order

Invocation - Honorable J.D. "Buddy" Meetze

Pledge of Allegiance - Honorable J.D. "Buddy" Meetze

Presentation - Ms. Vi Hendley, Olympia Residents Coalition

Adoption of Agenda

Citizen's Input

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items

Approval of Minutes

Regular Session: April 9, 2002 [Pages 2-10]

Report of County Administrator

Open/Close Public Hearing Items

Approval of Consent Items

1. Report Development and Services Committee (Deferred From 04/09/02)

a. Curtis Wright Hangar Association:
Plan for Hangar Development [Consent] (request for deferral until 05/07/02 mtg. Pending receipt of documentation)

2. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee [Page 11]

a. Appointments to Accommodations Tax Committee-2 [Page 12]

b. Appointment to the Planning Commission-1 [Pages 13-18]

3. Report of Economic Development Committee

a. Repeal of Virtual Growth Ordinances[Pages 19-20]

4. Citizen's Input

5. Motion Period/Announcements

6. Adjournment