Archived County Council Agenda
Note: County Council meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Richland County Council
Regular Session
September 5, 2000
6:00 P.M.

Call to Order


Adoption of Agenda


a. State Constables [Meetze]

b. Proclamation honoring a community leader [McEachern]

Citizen's Input

Approval of Minutes

a. Regular Session Meeting - July 11, 2000

b. Special Called Meeting - July 25, 2000

c. Zoning Public Hearing - July 25, 2000

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Matters

Report of County Administrator

1. Consideration of Consent Agenda Items

a. An Ordinance authorizing designation of Blue Cross/Blue Shield property as a Multi-County Business Park
[Third Hearing/Public Hearing
b. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Animals and Fowl
[Third Hearing/Public Hearing]

c. Recreation Commission: Amendment to the Bond Ordinance
[Third Hearing/Public Hearing]

d. Legal: Ordinance Amendment regarding Business Licenses
[Third Hearing/Public Hearing

e. Finance: Budget Amendment to Increase Mini Bottle Revenue [Second Reading]

f. 00-031MA, Marc Hoyle, From RU to C-1, TMS 07700-03-33, 34 & 35, Monticello Road
[Second Reading]

2. Third Hearing Items

a. Amendment to the Richland County Code Agricultural Burning Ordinance
[Public Hearing]

b. 99-025MA, Leonard Johnson, From RS-1 to C-1, TMS 07700-03-3 & 31, 933 Heyward Brockington Road

3. Second Reading Items

a. Ordinance Amendment: Noise
[Public Hearing]

b. Ordinance Amendment: Parking in Residential Zones [Public Hearing]

c. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Extension of the Billboard Moratorium [Public Hearing]

d. 00-41MA, William Hutto, From RU to C-3, TMS 37200-01-06, McCords Ferry Road

4. First Reading Items

a. Ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of a Fee Agreement between Richland County and Belk

b. Ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of a Fee Agreement between Richland County and CK Columbia #1

c. Ordinance authorizing an agreement for designation of Phase XX of the I-77 Corridor Regional Industrial Park by and between Richland County, South Carolina and Fairfield County, Carolina

5. Report of Development and Services Committee [deferred from the July 25th Special Called Meeting]

a. Approval of purchase of road maintenance

6. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee

a. Employee Grievance Committee-1

b. East Richland Public Service Commission-1

c. Planning Commission-1

d. Richland Memorial Hospital Board -Notification of Vacancy for an Unexpired Term-1

7. Executive Session Items

a. Sloan vs. Richland County

8. Citizen's Input

9. Motion Period/Announcements

a. Meeting Date Rescheduling [Pearce]

b. Project Pet Resolution [McEachern]

c. Proclamation Honoring Boy Scouts [Brill]

d. Commissioning of Code Enforcement Officers [Pearce]

10. Adjournment